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Complimentary DAM Assessment

Andrew Lomas
By Andrew Lomas on 11/08/2021 2:11:43 PM

Canto signals the end of an era by announcing the retirement of their Cumulus product

For over thirty years, Cumulus has been a staple of the Digital Asset Management (DAM) world, providing on-premise content solutions for thousands of organisations across various industries. For many, Cumulus was their first taste of the benefits a DAM platform can deliver across their organisation and rely on it to bring order to their content chaos. 

This decision by Canto represents their future focus being on cloud-based content management solutions as their path forward for their suite of content solutions. However, this announcement does signal that a change is needed for their global customers that Australian users will need to address sooner rather than later.

What does this mean for Australia's Cumulus users?

  • Canto will not deliver version 12 of the Cumulus product
  • As of September 1st, Cumulus will no longer be available for purchase, including Cumulus-related upgrades and add-ons
  • Cumulus Support for existing Workgroup and Entry addition users will continue until December 31st 2022
  • Cumulus Support for existing enterprise users will continue until December 21st 2023
  • From September 1st, there will be no new features or updates to Cumulus

The Good News?

While potentially disruptive, the Cumulus end of life will present new opportunities to customers who have begun their content transformation journey with Cumulus. Customers now have the opportunity to transition to a variety of innovative and transformative content management solutions available today. Canto themselves are offering impacted customers migration to their cloud-based solutions, and Creative Folks can assist you with this process.

Additionally, Creative Folks offer various cloud and on-premise DAM solutions if your situation is a bit more complex or unique.

With this in mind, we are offering a free DAM Assessment for impacted customers to discuss their situation and the potential solutions and benefits they can gain. 

CF DAM Assessment Email Header Banner_V2 (2)

Creative Folks also provide a free 14-day trial of WoodWing Swivle Cloud DAM for those wanting to explore options before Cumulus support expires.

Topics: Canto, Cumulus



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