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Complimentary DAM Assessment

Andrew Lomas
By Andrew Lomas on 18/03/2016 8:28:24 AM

Canto Cumulus X is ready for production use

What’s new in Cumulus X


Cumulus X

Cumulus X ushers in the neXt level of enterprise digital asset management. X now introduces not one, but two, new mobile-first technologies that provide truly seamless and powerful connectivity to your visual content from anywhere, at anytime. Cumulus X offers the best user experience imaginable. And the most sophisticated RESTful API for DAM, ever

New InDesign Client

The Cumulus  InDesign Client is the ultimate time-saver that lets your creative team access and work with assets cataloged in Cumulus, directly from within Adobe® InDesign®.


Cumulus Portals                                                                                                       

Reinforce YOUR brand when sharing large files. Cumulus Portals gives you a better option for sharing and collaborating than non-branded, drop-drive boxes. Create as many different branded portals as you need. Impress and save money. This mobile-responsive technology is based on HTML5 and Bootstrap™ and offers unlimited read-only / download-only user access, and built for massive concurrent users.



Production Ready   

Our  technical team have had in depth training  and  have  extensively tested version 10.1.1  and regard it as stable and ready  for those wanting to upgrade.

For further information, read the What's New Cumulus or please Contact the Creative Folks.


Topics: Brand Portals, Canto, Cumulus iOS Mobile App, DAM, Digital Asset Management, Digital Asset Management (DAM), InDesign, Cumulus, Cumulus X, News & Announcements

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