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Andrew Lomas
By Andrew Lomas on 18/12/2017 11:50:00 AM

Australian Security Exchange releases ASX app using Twixl Publisher

Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) releases Listed@ASX Branded app using Twixl Publisher platform.

Listed@ASX app icon.jpg

The Australian Securities Exchange have migrated their Listed@ASX Branded app from Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) to Twixl Publisher which is available on iOS and Android.

Listed@ASX offers access to ASX’s official interactive investor relations publication, which includes insights from market experts on topics directly influencing Australia’s business leaders. Listed@ASX addresses how changing business regulations affect you, offers opinions and commentary from a diverse range of industry stakeholders, provides thought-leadership on domestic and international investor relations trends, and case studies of listed companies at various stages through their growth cycle.

The content was developed by C3 Content Pty Ltd and Creative Folks provided assitance and education on the Twixl Publisher Platform in additon to technical services for app submission.

Graham Burdis - Director of C3 Content Pty Ltd - said of their app creation process.

"We worked with Creative Folks and decided on our switch to the Twixl platform from the existing expensive Adobe DPS platform. We found the process very well supported and without any problems. Twixl provides outstanding value with no loss of functionality and we will confidently advise our clients about the Twixl platform. We look forward to continuing to develop the app publishing model with Twixl as the base."

The Listed@ASX Branded app is available for both iOS and Android and supports both smartphone and tablet format sizes.


Increase your customer engamentment on mobile devices by releasing your own Branded app using Twixl Publisher and Creative Folks. Read our blog on how to benefit.

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Topics: Branded Apps, Digital Publishing Suite, DPS, Creative Folks, Digital Publishing, Twixl, Twixl Media, Twixl Publisher, ASX

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