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Andrew Lomas
By Andrew Lomas on May 26, 2023 09:00 AM

What role does content management play in business process transformation?

The business landscape feels like it’s constantly changing around us. We have more functional, specific platforms at our fingertips; integration and automation are necessary, and AI tools have saturated the market. All of this creates the expectation that a business should be able to do more with less without sacrificing the quality of operations. As such, many leaders have one or many business transformations high on their priority list.

If you're among these leaders, it's important to consider the role of content in achieving process transformation. Whilst your marketing teams must efficiently produce reusable content that can be personalised for different audiences and channels for customer experience, it's also important to realise that content supports staff experiences in various business processes. Across sales, customer service, product support and maintenance, your business needs content to effectively function and to continue delivering the experience that the marketing team started at the inspiration stage.

Content management tools can help achieve these objectives by reducing manual steps and sharing content across systems, which help reduce operational costs, and ensure consistent and fast delivery of information to all teams, making it an essential consideration for any organisation undertaking process transformation.

What outcomes does business transformation aim to achieve?

Business process transformation aims to provide various outcomes critical to any organisation's success, including:

  • Reduced overhead costs: Business transformation optimises processes, reduces waste, and streamlines workflows, resulting in improved efficiency and effectiveness, as well as optimised resource utilisation.
  • Increased agility: Your organisation must adapt quickly to changing market conditions and customer needs. Optimising processes can make your business more agile and responsive to change.
  • Improved customer experience: By streamlining processes and integrating systems to provide a more tailored and personalised service, your business can deliver an enhanced customer experience that meets or exceeds customer expectations, resulting in greater satisfaction and loyalty, repeat business and great reviews.
  • Competitive advantage: Business process transformation allows your organisation to leverage technology and optimised processes to gain a foothold in the marketplace. Your business can maintain a competitive edge by staying ahead of the curve and continuously improving processes.
  • Business resilience: Business process transformation enhances business continuity by prioritising risks, implementing countermeasures, integrating lessons learned, and designing recovery strategies. This enables your organisation to adapt processes, navigate the chaos, and see your business to success.

How does content management achieve these outcomes?

Now, you might want to know how content management fits. Here are three ways that it enables you to undergo business process transformation:

Optimise content-supported processes 

Content is the backbone of how businesses collaborate, create, and perform. For this reason, optimising content-supported processes is key to business process transformation.

Content management isn't just about your website. It's a discipline that optimises content-supported processes by providing your business with the tools and insights needed to identify areas for improvement. By leveraging an omnichannel content platform, you can better understand content workflows, identify bottlenecks, and streamline processes to eliminate inefficiencies.

Optimising content-supported processes enables your business to achieve greater scalability and flexibility. Doing so leads to improved business outcomes and a competitive advantage in the market. Therefore, content management is essential to the overall business transformation process because it enables you to optimise workflows, reduce costs, and better serve customers.

Eliminate operational bottlenecks

Operational bottlenecks can be significant obstacles in business process transformation. Bottlenecks refer to points where work is slowed down or stopped altogether, causing inefficiencies, delays, and increased costs, negatively impacting your company’s performance.

Workflow management gives your business the tools to reduce operational bottlenecks by providing greater visibility and control over content workflows. With a content management system, your teams can track content at every stage of the process, from creation to distribution, mitigating issues that cause delays or errors.

In addition, content management systems can automate routine tasks and approvals, reducing the likelihood of bottlenecks and freeing up resources for more critical tasks. By streamlining processes in this way, your business can achieve greater efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the quality of your outputs.

Achieve more with less through scalable content management

In business process transformation, scalable and streamlined content management is critical. Scalable content management allows your business to leverage the content it creates and deliver it to other systems and teams in a consistent and fast manner. It reduces costs and time associated with content recreation, supports personalisation and removes manual handling and transposition between systems ensuring it is managed effectively with fewer resources.

With the ability to handle increasing amounts of content as the business grows, your organisation can adapt to changing market conditions and customer and staff expectations. By efficiently managing content at scale, your business can quickly respond to new opportunities, streamline workflows, and stay agile in a dynamic business landscape.

Consistency is key when it comes to content management. Your business needs reusable content that can be personalised for different audiences and channels, so you can maintain a consistent brand message across all touchpoints. By managing content efficiently, your business can reduce overheads and quickly produce at scale, freeing up resources for other tasks.


Content management plays a crucial role in business process transformation. By identifying blind spots and optimising  processes that require content to eliminate operational bottlenecks, and identify where there is waste, your business can achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, implementing a scalable and streamlined content management system allows you to manage content more effectively and achieve more with fewer resources.

How Creative Folks’ solutions drive business process transformation

With over twenty years of experience, we deeply understand how to drive business process transformation through content management. We can implement the platforms you need to store digital assets, manage workflows and distribute the final product. We have experience implementing omnichannel content platforms, like Sitecore Content Hub, for our customers and have delivered solutions aligned with their content and organisational strategies. Please visit our Sitecore Content Hub page for more information.

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Topics: content management, business process transformation



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